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Novice Prep Clinic...Final Day 2016

Well HDL Fans it is with heavy hearts we write this blog as our final session (don’t cry, more sessions are in the works) came to an end tonight. The Novice kids came out with smiles ear to ear. They nailed the review and after a few tips and tricks mastered the 45 degree pivot turn.

Coach Lee and Coach Dan want to thank all the parents who made the drive each day to Winsport and VIVO, laced up their child’s skates and sent them out on the ice with us.

We also want to thank all 86 skaters that hit the ice with us over the past 12 days, you guys and gals were great students and a joy to teach, we cannot wait to see you progress even further throughout the season.!

HockeyDL was born out of the passion 2 guys share for the great game of hockey by focusing on skating with a little puck time thrown in. We look forward to offering more sessions throughout the year, so stay tuned! BUT…if your child’s new team this year is looking for a couple guys to assist the kids and compliment what the coach is doing, PLEASE get in touch with us as we would be more than happy to help!

Again THANK-YOU all very much for the trust and support, have a great season at the rink and don’t forget having FUN is the first goal!

Have a great season, see you on the ice!

Coach Lee & Coach Dan

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