Novice Prep Clinic...Day Three

T'was the night before the first day of school (for some of you) and all through the rink, not a skater was stirring not even the hockey parents…who are we kidding, the kids were jacked to be on the ice and well mom and dad had grins ear to ear as a school bell was only hours away!
Tonight the skaters tackled a new review drill which saw them skate each line backwards!! Don’t forget, no bobbing up and down, keep your upper body steady, cut that skate into the ice ripping with your toe, return it under your body then repeat on the other side! After getting our legs warmed up, we jumped or should I say crossed into CROSSOVERS!
Pace was the word of the day as we got a little speedy when executing our 2 equal pushes knee over knee…Gents we can all take a lesson from our one Gal as she was focused on the technique and showed us slow and steady definitely wins the race! Great job tearing up the circles, but again remember…preform each skill at a controlled pace and for crossovers the cross under is JUST as important as the crossover!
See you on the ice!
Coach Lee & Coach Dan